It’s not the YouTube announcement we’ve been waiting for < cough > YouTube Red < cough> but next time you open YouTube on Android or iOS after this latest update, you’ll be greeted with a new style of home page.

YouTube has today announced a new, clearer and they say simpler design which is designed to help you discover and enjoy new YouTube content. The new layout features larger high resolution images which draw your eye and make it easier to notice new content you want to watch. Additionally, YouTube has included a more prominent creator icon to show you who made the video.


As well as a ‘fresh coat of paint’ the recommendation engine behind the suggested videos in YouTube is getting more powerful, with Google linking in their deep neural network technology to find more ‘relevant personalized recommendations’. The new system should be able to find patterns in your viewing habits, learning and improving over time. Google says that the new system has resulted in people checking out more videos from creators they like.

The new update to YouTube should be live for everyone right now.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: YouTube Blog.
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    Looks good.

    And long live the Nexus 5 🙂