This week has been relatively quiet for mobile news, as we continue the wait for August/September where we see things ramp up significantly. Note 7? That’s coming. Nexus season? Not far away. IFA 2016? Oh yeah, that’s less than two months away now.

As we bide the time, we take a look at other things happening in the mobile space, with a number of accessory reviews published and on the way, and the anxious wait for Android Pay to arrive in Australia.

Take a look at our headlines of the week, and catch up with everything Android.


News and Reviews

Chrome Scroll Anchoring is the best thing to come to the web
We wrote about this during the week, and it was rather popular. Why? No longer will you have to suffer through your browser jumping around as various page elements load. Pick a place, start reading, and the page will render around your current view, so you won’t accidentally click on junk Javascript ads any more.

Seriously, this sounds mundane, but it’s the best thing to come to the web.

Bose QC35 Headphones Review
Phil is one of our resident audiophiles, and he took the next installment in Bose noise cancelling headphones for a spin. In Phil’s review of the QC35, he came to an unsurprisingly conclusion: as good as Bose’ previous QC25 model was, the QC35 is better. The same (if not better) noise cancelling cred, mixed with wireless convenience and a popular, comfortable style. What’s not to like?

Android Pay hasn’t launched
Despite Google’s promises of a H1 2016 launch, Android Pay missed the deadline. From what we understand, the launch could be just weeks away, but things are looking more like August than July. Read the latest on what we know.



Telstra is getting in early on the IoT
Scott found out quite a bit this week about Telstra’s plans for the Internet of Things, with a number of devices and accessories launched for later release. There’s quite a bit of info about things from smart doorbells to home hubs, so read on and discover the latest.

Sony’s Xperia X series has launched in Australia from $499
Sony’s replacement for the Xperia Z flagship line has landed in Australia, and while the X range is a bit more diverse (and perhaps not as flagshipp-y), the pricing is certainly quite appealing, even if Sony’s design choices might be a bit different than what you’re used to. Get Ausdroid’s lowdown on pricing and carrier availability.


Apps and Services

Evernote is on the nose with its new pricing
Evernote announced new pricing and changes to its free and basic tiers, which has users seeing red. A number are likely to move to Google Keep (which is free, and offers many of the features Evernote is happy to charge for), and we’ve also done up a guide on migrating to Google Drive for further features.