play music discount

With both Google Play Music All Access and YouTube Red now available in Australia, many people have flocked to the service. If you missed out on the introductory offer of getting the pair for $9.99 AUD per month, Google has a consolation prize for you (and it isn’t bad).

Right now, if you head on over to Play Music you can sign up for 3 months of the services for just $1.00. Yep. A buck.

play music discount 2

These offers are normally short lived, so if you’ve been wanting to try it out, and you don’t have access to another trial now is a good time to go and grab it. Just remember you will be signing up so if you don’t want to start getting charged in 3 months time you better set a reminder to cancel first!

Are you going to give it a try? Let us know below.

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You can’t beat this service considering you get music and ad-free YouTube


There is also a Google Play Music deal if you buy a Nexus 5X or 6P. I think it’s 3 months for $0 upfront. So it can get tricky as to what deal you’re getting if you have a new Nexus and you sign up to Google Play Music at a later date.


OK. Signed up for $0. Now the play music app is a little crippled. It could be my old fashioned ways but I like to listen to albums in order (ie as an album) but that seems to have been removed. Even for albums I own.

The closest to the old play album is ‘play next’ but if you want to do more than one it inserts them after the first song of the previous album?!?

Tom V

Haha damn, I literally signed up to the free month yesterday! If anyone in the same boat knows a way to get this offer, let me know!

Alex Gerontzos

So gpa and YouTube red for $11.99? All too yes?




Same as the guy below. I’m getting the trial and not the $1 for 3 months. Perhaps only availble to those who trialled it before.


I just signed up and it was free for 3 months not $1.


Do you have Nexus?