
In a world where technology never sits still it’s not surprising to see large chip vendors like Qualcomm iterate on their offerings, and so surprise we are not to see their latest update to their top of the line 800 series SOC for smart devices. The Snapdragon 821 supercedes the Snapdragon 820, the SOC currently found in most high-end Android Devices.

So what does the 821 bring with it? According to Qualcomm, it will offer faster speeds – up to 10% improvement – maxing out at 2.4 GHz, reduced battery consumption and overall increased performance. Qualcomm will be offering both the 820 and the 821 alongside each other for vendors to choose from.

In their press release Qualcomm specifically called out VR headsets as one target market for the new chips, We’re not sure if this is just PR or if they have partners looking at bringing such a product to market. The chips are expected to start showing up in devices in the second half of 2016, which actually started 12 days ago, so it could be any day now.

Source: Qualcomm.