HTC Pixel
The impending release of the HTC built Pixel phones are the talk of the Android world, there’s already pretty solid rumours pointing to the devices launching with Maintenance Release 1 (MR1) of Android 7.0, and now another reputable source has backed this up.

Noted HTC ROM developer and leaker of inside information on HTC devices and software, @llabtoofer has tweeted that he too believes that the HTC built phones will be launching with Android 7,1 MR1:

Further, he followed that up saying that the current build version of Android 7.1 is NDE63B – the D indicating a development build, with P for Preview and R for release – meaning that we’ll be getting a slightly different build number when it releases.

Whether we see this build on the now rumoured Google Huawei-built tablet that popped up this morning is anyones guess.

Source: @llabtoofer.
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Oct 4th cant come soon enough! Nexus 5 (2013) is still kicking, but showing a bit of age.


Pixel XL not LS 😉


He’s confusing it with a Lincoln