Be Together, Not the Same is Android’s motto. It’s all about finding the thing that suits you on a common platform. To that end, Google is offering the Taste Test, a test to suggest your perfect home screen setup.

The test is pretty simple, there’s 22 questions ranging from 2-4 answers, you select your answers based on your simple preferences. Don’t worry, there’s nothing terribly intimate about the questions.

Once you’re done, Google outputs a wallpaper, icon pack, widgets, keyboard and launcher for you to use. Links to the apps for each part of the suggested setup on Google Play are included so you can start setting up your perfect home screen setup.

If you want you can share your look on Twitter, Facebook and of course Google+, which provides a link to your preferred setup.

It’s a pretty neat test and suggests some interesting things like Evie or Smart Launcher 3, as well as some rather interesting icon packs and wallpaper apps including Google’s own. For a newbie to Android it’s probably a good gateway into looking at different apps on Google Play as well as introducing them to the idea of basic theming.

If you want to have a shot, head over to the Taste Tests website and check it out.

Source: myAndroid Taste Test.
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    Phill Edwards

    To those who haven’t tried this yet…I wouldn’t bother. It recommended I download a keyboard I already use, wallpapers that have advertising built in, and an icon pack and launcher that are incompatible with each other. Good idea, but just led to frustration.