Last night Google posted the OTA files and factory images for supported Pixel and Nexus devices. This afternoon they have now added the changelog for the updates and there are a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Over at the Pixel user community the community manager has posted a small changelog for the Pixel and the Pixel XL.

Today, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Pixel and Pixel XL devices. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements.
A few changes and updates that we want to highlight are listed below:

  • Improved fingerprint swipe performance
  • Bluetooth connectivity improvements
  • Battery usage alerts

Some of the other fixes are with the early shutdown issue, a fix for the small number of users experiencing pink banding on the camera, and a fix to the audio popping issue some users were experiencing at high volumes.

Those are some serious bugs that they seem to have squashed. Hopefully they have.

The same manager is also the manager of the Nexus Help Forum where he posted regarding the update to relevant Nexus devices and the Pixel C:

Today, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, and Pixel C. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements.
A few changes and updates that we want to highlight are listed below:

  • Enhanced notification stability
  • Fingerprint swipe on 5X/6P
  • General connectivity improvements
  • Battery usage alerts

Obviously we have seen some of these in the beta releases, including the fingerprint swipe on the Nexus 6P and 5X. For those already on a beta release they will receive this update as an OTA that flashes over the top of the beta image. For the impatient ones you can grab the OTA files or the full factory image and flash them yourself.

Have you received this OTA update or have you flashed it manually yourself? Does it fix any issues you had? How do you like the new improvements?

Source: Android Police.
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P.S I’ve been in touch with Google and asked why I haven’t got assistant yet on my Nexus 5x. The reply was, “I don’t understand why you haven’t got assistant yet on your Nexus 5x as you should have, let me look into it and I’ll get back to you”. That was 5 days ago. My missus got assistant this morning on Optus on her Moto G4 plus, now shez taking the piss outta me.. I like you use Telstra for the coverage. Yes I’ve used the Us English thing and it works for a few minutes till Telstra pick… Read more »

Dean Rosolen

This is actually turning into a topic that Ausdroid could do a survey about. Could then take the results to the relevant parties to find out what the hell is going on.

Daniel Tyson

Coming right up.


By the way, I use an adblocker on your site because it takes almost no time compared to up to a minute to for your bloody ads to load. You can tell me a thousand times you need ads to survive, but if you don’t report the facts properly or even ask questions why, then I will continue to use an adblocker. I regard this tech site as a poor Android information site that just passed of info from other sites and not investigation journalism. Lift your game….I have no doubt you will not allow this comment to be published.… Read more »

Daniel Tyson

Alex, I have been through your comment history in Disqus (yes, we use disqus for filtering comments) and several of your comments have been flagged as profane for use of the S*** and F*** words. These will not be tolerated, so yes we moderate comments. As for using Adblock, that’s certainly your choice, however I also don’t see your name in our list of excellent Patreon backers – which is a way to support the site if you want to have more input into the direction and a justifiable way to not view ads. As for “investigative” journalism, we’ve run… Read more »


Funny how when you critise you blokes at Ausdroid you don’t publish the comment!

Daniel Tyson

I see this was published. And as you see above, comments with swearing in them are blocked.


Just updated to 7.1.2 and aside from the back sensor swipe for notifications feature I’ve also noticed we now have power notification controls, which I thought were an Android O feature? They allow you to set importance and behaviour for notifications on a per-app basis. You can find them through Settings –> System UI Tuner –> Other.

Dean Rosolen

Pretty sure that’s been there since Nougat released (if not before that).


Have you got assistant yet on your Nexus 5x on Telstra?

Dean Rosolen

You must’ve meant to reply to my comment about receiving the 7.1.2 update.

To answer your question, Google Assistant is still MIA but I’m still attributing that to Google’s notoriously slow rollout process.

If you can prove conclusively that Telstra is blocking Google Assistant, then share it with the class.


Mate I proved it conclusively more than a year ago when I made Google admit that their updates WERE being blocked by Telstra when they added the Claus that Nexus devices are carrier based updates. When you see all and sundry around on other carriers getting assistant with devices like my missus moto g4 plus getting assistant just this morning on Optus, it’s gotta show you the truth!


You have a 5x, ask Google yourself.

Dean Rosolen

Let me break it down for you. 1. That was related to system software updates like the monthly security patches. 2. Google Play Services is updated independently of the main system software. That’s how the various security features of the Google Play platform get updated to keep your device safe from bad apps. 3. Google are notoriously slow at rollouts (as anyone who’s been on Android long enough will tell you). Your wife’s Moto G4 probably just got lucky that it was next in the queue to get Assistant. 4. Try using a non-Telstra SIM in your Nexus device (I’m… Read more »


My reply was obviously moderated and not published…I can only say again it’s Telstra!!!!!!


You are full of yourself aren’t you.
I am on telstra with a nexus 6 and I got it.
Of course you know everything and are always right.
Nasty person.

Dean has been helpful and friendly.


Don’t try condescending to me 1,2,3,4 you obviously have no idea how carriers interfer with updates. I’ve stated before that by putting in an Optus SIM you get updates and did receive assistant until I put in my Telstra SIM. Sheesh you all seem to understand diddly squat about Telstra’s interference. The proof is there and still nobody wants to believe, except the few who know.

Dean Rosolen

Out of curiosity, what device are you using?


If you have a Nexus throw in an Optus etc SIM and bang it’ll be there, just did it with my 5x & am running g 7.1.2….Telstra are a joke!


I got my Pixel C update Monday night. UI is same as the the Pixel phones. You can have multiple apps open on the screen at the same time like Windows. No Assistant, though. Makes more sense to have it on a tablet than a phone to me. App drawer is still just as lame as before. So, I went back to my favourite launcher; Evie.

Dean Rosolen

Not seeing anything on my Nexus 5X or Pixel C yet.


And you won’t….Are you with Telstra?

Dean Rosolen

Yes (only because of coverage).


Have you got assistant on your 5x yet?

Dean Rosolen

No Googls Assistant either but I don’t think that’s a Telstra issue. Google are just notoriously slow at rollouts (so much so that they’ve been dubbed “trollouts” by various Android sites).


Mate I went through all this before. Telstra were blocking updates to Nexus devices, but everyone kept saying that updates for Nexus devices came straight from Google. I kept saying that was bullshit and proved it just by putting in a Vodaphone SIM and the update hit straight away. After that stink Google put out a new Claus saying that carriers can withhold updates for Nexus devices. The whole things a fucking joke!

Dean Rosolen

That only applies to system updates though. Assistant doesn’t require a system update for a device already on Marshmallow or newer.


Play services is part of the system. If you don’t have Play services apps don’t work.

Dean Rosolen

Play Services gets updated independent of the core system firmware.


I’m on Telstra and got the 7.1.2 update for my Nexus 6P (not bought through Telstra) just now.

Dean Rosolen

I don’t think Telstra sold the 6P. They did sell the 5X and currently sell the Pixels.


Received the update on my 6P first thing this morning. I’m on Telstra Prepaid, and had to “Check for update”

Square eyed

Yep same here. On Telstra prepaid too.

Dean Rosolen

As far as I’m aware, Telstra didn’t sell the 6P.

Dean Rosolen

Just got the update today. Either Telstra approved the update quicker than they did 7.1.1 or they weren’t blocking the update in the first place.