Everyone loves cutting edge software, even if there are a few bugs. For this reason the Android Beta Program was well received by all Android enthusiasts. Now, as we get closer to an Android O release, Google has pulled the plug on the Android Nougat Beta and at the same time announced that an Android O beta is coming soon. We all knew the Nougat Beta had to end but the exciting thing is that is it being replaced by something newer and better, Android O Beta.

At this stage there is no Android O beta available (although there is the developer preview remember) but according to the timeline on the Android Developer website following the initial release of the developer preview for Android O in mid-March a preview 2 which is an incremental update and beta (whether it is a public beta is unknown at this stage) will be available mid May. Guess what is in mid-May? Google IO. It seems likely that this beta/incremental update for Android O will drop possibly directly after the keynote on Wednesday week. It wouldn’t be the first time Google have done this.

If your device is still on the beta software you can download the full OTA image to your device and sideload it to update to the full Nougat version. If you want to be one of the first to run Android O Beta on your device then keep on eye on Ausdroid, the Android Beta Program’s website or their Google+ community.

Are you still running the Android O Developer Preview on your device? What are your thoughts on it?

Source: 9to5Google.
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I’ve been running the O dev preview for a little while now. There isn’t too much exciting in there but it’s stable. Looking forward to some new stuff in the beta.


The version of beta on my Nexus 5X keeps causing phantom active calls to nobody to be happening on my Gear S3 and car stereo. At first I thought it was a bug in the car stereo but then same thing happened on Gear S3. Only way to stop the phone call when it happens is to reboot car or Gear S3. Disabled both from connecting to Nexus 5X but I hope future updates fix the problem because my other main phone is a Vodafail gimped Huawei P9 that may never see Nougat.


Stop teasing us with and O update when most of use do not even have our N one yet.