We know that Motorola are set to announce a phone or two at their upcoming event in New York on July 25. Exactly what will be announced is unknown but it seems likely that Motorola will finally announce their 2017 flagship, the Moto Z2 Force.

Today we have seen the Chinese Motorola website jump the gun and display the new Moto Z2 Force in images and videos showing off the various Moto Mods available for the Z series phones. The phones shown is definitely NOT a Moto Z2 Play and looks the same as the phone leaked by Evleaks last week — a Moto Z2 Force.

While the images and videos do not reveal anything new they add some confirmation to the leaks that we have seen so far. The images do show the new 360 degree camera we saw turn up last week as well as the gaming controller seen elsewhere. We are still waiting for Motorola to release the many more Moto Mods that have been promised, as well as those seen in the Motorola Hackathon competitions.

To recap, the Moto Z2 Force is expected to be powered by a Snapdragon 835 SoC with possibly two variant, one with 4GB of RAM and 64GB onboard storage and one with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. It is expected to have a 2k 5.5inch display with dual 12MP camera on the rear and 5MP on the front. It will also run Android 7.1.1 with Motorola’s minimal interference in the Android software so expect a fluid, fast experience.

We do not yet have any official word from Motorola Australia except to say that they will let us know any/more details as soon as they are allowed to.

Stay tuned if this interests you. Anyone looking forward to this phone?

Source: Motorola.
Via: PhoneArena.
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Eric Yew

After having the Moto Z for the past 6 months, don’t think I will buy another Moto Z because: -the phone has some serious lag issue that even a hard reset doesn’t seem to fix it. Started in the last 2 months. -screen flickering during charging that has gotten worst with nougat update -slow moto mod releases. Lots of promises but nothing in the market. It’s simple, extended battery + 3.5mm Jack + hifi dac -no updates since nougat and it’s a buggy version of nougat -camera lens scratched easily as made of cheap plastic -battery life is hopeless. Half… Read more ยป

Eric Yew

Unfortunately, was purchase overseas..so doubt Motorola here will help me. I find all Android phones lag overtime and a hard reset usually fixed it..I went from samsung to lg and now Moto..they all lag overtime..Samsung has the most refine software. Simple things like swipe right to call and swipe left to message in contacts..keeping the call status always on top of notification during a call to easily mute, change to speakers, end calls etc..with the Moto..I’ll be searching through 10+ notifications to find..built in truecallers function..secure folder.. With regards to the lag..with the Moto..hard reset fixes it for a day… Read more ยป


The camera feature is the most exciting about this stuff. People are waiting for this because of the camera.


If I was buying these moto mods I would expect that future versions of their mobiles would fit them as well. Allot of money to fork out if we have to update these along with the phones (Albeit any tech upgraded mods).
Also, can someone clarify which mobile versions fits these mods? I’m confused.


So far you have 3 phones from last year that fit the Mods (Z,Z Play,Z force) and this year we have a Z2 Force and Z2 Play confirmed (released in the case of the play) and the rule is that all the Z phones work with all mods and not so long ago Moto committed to keep making mods/mod compatible phones for 3 years so the bare minimum should be another 3 “Z” phones next year.
they also said 12 or more mods a year from here forward.

none of the E/G/X phones fit the mods, just “Z” ๐Ÿ™‚

Phill Edwards

This is the phone I want. I think.


I wish any of these or even the X range would make it onto carrier plans. I can’t afford outright purchases on pension ๐Ÿ™


“the Moto Z2 Turbo is expected”
Don’t you mean Moto Z2 Force?
Is there going to be just a straight Z2? I do not think I have heard any recent rumours about it.
The camera mods you are showing there look to be the old Hasselblad ones released with the Z series I thought there was talk of a new camera mod that possibly has changeable lenses?