After opening nominations for their latest Indie Games Festival earlier today, Google has also begun accepting nominations for Android, iOS and Web apps in the 2017 Material Design Awards.

Unlike the Indie Games Festival which is only open to developers in the US and Canada, the Material Design Awards are open to almost everyone. Google says ‘Material Design Awards highlight best-in-class designs from around the globe’, and they’re accepting nominations from everyone. You can enter via their online form, where you can specify an Android, iOS or Web apps which ‘push the boundaries of Material Design to create brilliant, meaningful experiences’ until midnight on the 27th of July in the following categories:

  • Brand Expressiveness – a brand identity brought to life through an engaging and harmonious use of color, imagery, typography, and motion.
  • Interaction Design – an impactful experience created through navigation, structure, and affordances across many contexts and screen sizes.
  • Platform Adaptiveness – a multi-platform design that allows users to consistently perform tasks in a way that feels natural for each device.
  • Innovation – an ability to push the fundamentals of Material Design and its components in inspiring new directions.

Winners in each category will be announced in September with a trophy worth around $2,000 being awarded. Winners will also receive :

  1. A total of eight (8) free tickets to attend the SPAN Conference sponsored by Google,
    comprising two (2) tickets per winning Submission in each award category;
  2. Hotel and airfare expenses for a total of eight (8) individuals to travel to Mountain View,
    California, USA, comprising two (2) individual representatives per winning Submission in
    each award category.

If you know a company doing great things in design, point them towards the submission form to start the process.

Source: Google.