It’s that time of year again where we all spend a bit of extra time with the family. Facebook is one of the biggest tools around for families keeping in touch, but if you want a break from that the new Snooze feature for your newsfeed may save you from that annoying aunt or uncle.

Unfriending is a pretty nuclear step these days – as is blocking someone on Twitter – so most social networks offer you another option. Facebook is now doing Snooze, which lets you temporarily unfollow a group, a page or someone’s posts for 30 days.

Once you snooze, you won’t see posts from them for 30 days – this would have been handy for some during the marriage equality plebiscite – and they won’t know they’ve been temporarily muted. You can also choose to turn the post feed from that page, group or person back on before the 30 days is up.

Facebook Snooze was announced on December 15, with the feature apparently rolling out over the next week, so you should be seeing something in your settings either now, or if not, then very soon.

Source: Facebook.
Via: Android Police.