After the decline of Root Explorer, the file explorer of choice on Android for Ausdroid and many other people has become Solid Explorer and it’s about to get better with official support for Chrome OS users and an Android TV version in the works.

The announcement was made to the Neat Bytes community on Google+ by Krzysztof Głodowski where he announced that he has been working on official Chrome OS support for some time, with full trackpad and keyboard support and windowed mode. He followed that up by saying that the app ‘performs great and I think it’s going to be the only proper file manager for that OS’.

For Android TV users who are still looking for a good file explorer after File Explorer ES went full adware a while back, Solid Explorer support is also coming to the platform. It’s not going to be a complete TV UI redesign though unfortunately, ‘just a regular layout properly scaled to a big screen’. The reason for going for just a scaled up UI Krzysztof said, was that packing all the features into a completely different layout would be impossible without rewriting the app.

A sneak peek at the new app will be coming next week, so we’ll be checking that out with keen interest when it appears.

Solid Explorer File Manager
Solid Explorer File Manager
Developer: NeatBytes
Price: Free
Source: +KrzysztofGłodowski.
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    Hi, Thank you for the article. The app looks ok but I can’t find any options to scan and locate local network computers. Is this feature hidden or not available?

    Daniel Tyson

    Hit the ‘+’ floating action button to add LAN/SMB folders

