As part of their new redesign of Gmail launched last month, Google has today announced that ‘nudges’ are starting to appear in Gmail.

Nudges are reminders from Google that give you a prompt that they think an email should be responded to. It’s powered by Google’s Artificial Intelligence, and gleans signals from emails about which emails you may have unintentionally missed and require a response.

Nudges will take the form of prompts in red next to an email which will be brought to the top of your Inbox and appended with labels in red like ‘Received 3 days ago. Reply?’ and ‘Sent 5 days ago. Follow up?’

Google says that the nudge feature is turned on by default, but can be turned off in settings. It’s a handy feature that I’ve seen in Inbox for a while, and used a number of times. Give it a try and see what you think.

Source: Google.