It’s been out for a month, but in good news for early adopters, Foxtel Go now supports Android Pie. As a bonus for subscribers, after launching their Foxtel Now app and service with it in June last year, the Foxtel Go app has also finally added both HD and Chromecast support.

Though Google has given developers access to Android Pie since early March, the Foxtel development team has taken until now to officially support the update to Android 9. Ausdroid reader James – and several reviewers of the app in Google Play – noticed the additional support is now live.

While support for the actual operating system is nice, two other features are now live in the Foxtel Go app – which, in a weird bit of branding is now called the Foxtel App by Foxtel themselves, yet remains Foxtel Go on both Android and iOS. I guess you can guess what the next ‘feature’ update will be…/s.

The addition of actual features is good though, HD support – which is the only actual feature update noted in their ‘What’s New’ section, where it advises it’s still dependent on your internet connection. The addition of Chromecast support was noted by Ausdroid reader from the ACT (represent!) who kindly alerted us to its presence.

The Chromecast support is limited however, with subscribers apparently required to have the ‘Multi-Room’ capability on their Foxtel plan before Chromecast support works – boo!. We’ve reached out to Foxtel to clarify this requirement, but likely won’t hear back until next week.

We can’t say the Android Pie, HD and Chromecast support isn’t welcome, it is, but like many lot of their features they’re incredibly late, and it’s restrictive with the requirement for users to have multi-room support for Chromecast to work is rather hostile. Foxtel has been quite standoffish in their relationship with subscribers using the Foxtel app on Android from the very beginning; but With a growing user base, perhaps it’s time for the company to really start giving Android users a better deal.

Foxtel GO
Foxtel GO
Developer: FOXTEL
Price: To be announced
Thanks: James and Ausdroid Reader from the ACT.
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Down Under Droid

The whole Chromecast feature of the Foxtel Go is a joke. For starters it is a rip off for long time Platinum package customers to be expected to pay more for the feature, then when you give in to the fact that you will have to pay $25 extra a month to get the feature added to your account the only way Foxtel will give you the Multiroom subscription and Chromecast feature is to physically get another IQ box installed in a room in your home. But if a extra unnecessary box that is not needed cannot be physically installed… Read more »

Down Under Droid

Perhaps they could call it the MultiMillion dollar rip off subscription service.