Yesterday I posted in the Ausdroid chat asking if any others had noticed that Gboard was not working well at all lately. Turns out I was not the only one and Google today have admitted that their Gboard keyboard is experiencing issues with its swiping accuracy.

For years Android users have been crying out for a decent keyboard. For a while there were a few contenders over the years in recent times Google’s Gboard has overtaken Swiftkey as many people’s go to keyboard but in the last day or so many have noticed that no matter what they swipe it would give a one or two letter word that was nothing like what they swiped.

9to5Google reported on some threads from Reddit where users were asking the same question I was — what has happened to swiping (glide typing) on Gboard? I had the issue occurring on a Galaxy Note9 but there have been reports of it happening on other devices such as Pixel 2 and OnePlus 6 phones.

Google have responded saying:

We’re aware of a bug that affects glide typing accuracy in Gboard. We’re working on a fix; in the meantime, force-quitting Gboard or rebooting your phone may provide a temporary solution.

After seeing what other user shave been doing to get it working correctly for them Google have added that rebooting the phone or force closing Gboard will fix the glide typing issues.

Have you also been noticing Gboard issues and does a reboot fix it for you? What is your go-to keyboard? I am considering returning to Swiftkey, any suggestions?

Source: 9to5Google.
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Got a pixel 2, this was driving me nuts. I’m kinda glad I found this article. Seems to be ok over the last 24 hrs tough




Yup, same issue since yesterday on my Galaxy S8


I love GBoard but ever since I first installed it over a year ago, I’ve had trouble with it not recognising me try to glide type ‘I’ll’. It can be extremely frustrating!

Wayne Moore

I was trying to use Teams on my tablet this morning and was blaming that app for crappy keyboard control. Then it turned out is was GBoard. Switching swype off and on in the GBoard settings brought it back to life.