After controversially moving shopping lists in Google Assistant from the cross platform, universally useful Keep platform to the not-so-useful, US-focused Shopping Express service early last year it appears Google has had a change of heart with a Googler talking about moving lists back to Keep.

During a reddit threadt, the Googler referenced the announcement at Google I/O earlier this year, which would allow users to switch their lists to other sources including Keep, Todoist and more.

The ability to switch to your preferred Notes and Tasks lists was referenced during the on-stage presentation by Product Management Director, Google Assistant Lilian Rincon.

Google has been iterating on the design and functionality of the Assistant screen, with ease of use and accessibility being a main focus. Giving users access to the default apps for lists and tasks etc. is an excellent user-focused move.

There’s no time frame beyond: Soon – but we hope it’s ‘very soon’.

Source: reddit.
Via: XDA-Developers.
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    If this is true, this would make me very happy again!

    Dean Lewis

    Making a default shopping list app can be very useful. For example, if I made Woolworths the default I wouldn’t need to ask Google to talk to Woolworths, just add and have it add.

    The Google Express app has great potential. I’ve had it side loaded, potentially using one app to choose where you buy each item in your list…. where Keep doesn’t have any type of buying ability… if I were to keep shopping lists, it wouldn’t be in Keep.

    Luke Vesty


    Alan Cramer

    Great decision. It’s been one of the key things that have stopped us using Google Home full time.

    Now for G Suite support…. But I’m sure that one will be a never happen.


    Finally, my Android Wear watch will become useful in Woolies again! 😜

    Max Luong




    I’m glad they had a change of heart. But this feels like a very typical Google move lately: kill off products, launch multiple products that overlap in functionality, revert back to previous apps that were working fine. No cohesive decisions, it makes you wonder who at the top is in charge. How long before they remove shopping lists from Keep again, or kill Keep altogether?