Having Google locate your device when you’ve lost track of it can be amazing, remotely setting the ring of when it’s lodged in the couch is handy, but when it’s been left in a rather larger area it’s not quite enough. Now Google has expanded the function to include locating your device in places like ‘airports, malls, or other large buildings’.

The function takes advantage of Google Maps indoor mapping in places like shopping centres, malls, stadiums and more.

The Changelog from Google Play says that the app now includes ‘Support for indoor maps to help you find your device in airports, malls, or other large buildings’, but probably won’t take advantage of Google Maps indoor mapping features like floor locations. Still, it will give you a better idea of where it is if you do leave your phone behind somewhere.

If you haven’t updated your app, you should get a prompt to do so shortly in Google Play.

Google Find My Device
Google Find My Device
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Google Play.
Via: Android Police.