In surprising news – mainly because we didn’t realise it was missing – Google has today announced availability of the Google Fit app for iOS devices.

The app is available in the Apple App Store now. It brings Move Minutes and Heart Points to users in Apples ecosystem.

You can track workouts with Wear OS or Apple Watch devices over in iOS-land, and Google Fit plays nice with Apple Health.

If you’re using an iOS device, you can find the app in Apple’s App Store today.

Source: The Keyword.
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Before discovering the Nexus One, Jason thought he didn't need a smartphone. Now he can't bear to be without his Android phone. Jason hails from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane depending on his mood and how detailed a history you'd like. A web developer by day with an interest in consumer gadgets and electronics, he also enjoys reading comics and has a worryingly large collection of Transformers figures. He'd like to think he's a gamer, but his Wii has been in a box since he moved to Sydney, and his PlayStation Vita collection is quite lacking. Most mornings you'll find him tilting at various windmills on Twitter - follow @JM77 and say hi!
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Daniel Narbett



This is a great thing for those that have a Wear OS watch and want to use it with iOS!


That would have been a great April fools gag. Google releases new app called iOS.