On R U OK day, it’s important to understand that in the increasing pressure we face in the world that not everyone is ok. Not all smiles are ok and people who are struggling often find ways to hide their pain. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to ask R U Ok?

Google and the R U OK day team have partnered to give some vital information to people who are struggling and their friends on how to have those tough conversations.

When and where to have the conversation is a vital decision to make, if you’re asking someone else – how to ask as well. To start the journey, all you have to do is say

Hey Google, Talk to RUOK mate

When you do, you’ll be greeted by “Danny” who takes you on a journey of having conversations with friends who are struggling through some basic role play. This can help understand empathy, triggers and recognising the information you’re getting from others.

From the team at Ausdroid, please remember that if you’re struggling there are a number of valuable resources like Lifeline on 131114 and Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36