There is a lot of fake and misleading information out there in the world with many people believe random things such as 5G causing or spreading the COVID-19 virus. Today WHO has moved to help dispel some of that launching a new app to provide factual information to the masses.

Although Facebook (let’s face it most of the misleading information is spread via there) and Google do their best to remove inaccurate information there is only so much they can do. WHO is looking to provide people throughout the world with actual factual information regarding the pandemic, the virus and what we should be doing about it.

To provide this information they have today released an Android app to offer not just safety guidelines to protect yourself and arm yourself with facts about the virus but also live data on the pandemic itself.

The app itself is fairly basic and easy to use but it provides one central location for information and data from a reputable, reliable, factual source — let’s face it there is a lot of misleading information out there.

At this stage the app is Android only but the code for the app (yes, it is open source allowing others to provide fixes and features) suggests there is an iOS version in the works. If you want to stay up to date on all the latest COVID-19 information head on over to the Play Store and check it out.

WHO COVID-19 Updates
WHO COVID-19 Updates
Price: To be announced
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Scott, there’s an update on the status of the app, on Android Police.
The WHO COVID-19 app is currently a Closed Beta.


Unless I’m mistaken, the bug was the extremely short lived public listing.
This is the update quote posted on Android Police:
“The app’s developers told Android Police that listing was intended to be a private beta, and is no longer available publicly. For up-to-date information about COVID-19, check out WHO’s website instead.”