Aussie Broadband has announced that over 2,289 new and existing customers have chosen the new NBN ultra-fast 1000/50 plans and a further 850 have signed up to the 250/25 tier since they were launched 3 days ago.

Managing Director of Aussie Broadband Phillip Britt said demand for the new product was much higher than expected.

“What we have done is actually broken four records in four days. This is just incredible, and an amazing effort by each and every person working in all parts of the business,” Mr Britt said. When the product was launched on Friday, Aussie experienced its biggest ever day of organic sales with their MD saying the huge spike in sales continued over the weekend.

Mr Britt also noted that the new 1GB plan is a best effort service and peak evening speeds will vary based on network demand at the time and he thinks the plan should achieve off-peak speeds of up to 80-90%, depending on the technology type.

Launtel representative Adam Poulton also exclusively told Ausdroid the figures regarding the new NBN speed tiers and the rate that Launtel is on-boarding:

“We are quite happy with the rate we are on boarding compared to ABB due to the relative size of our organisations. To date, we have 163 on the FastAF (1000/50) and 23 on the Home SuperFast (250/25). From the figures you can see that most people that come along are going for the FastAF.

“Due to the demand for this service, Launtel have just directly connected with the following POI’s to offer the FastAF speeds: Carramar, Glebe, Newtown, Parramatta, Ryde and and upgraded the bandwidth on Queanbeyan and Castle Hill”.

Under the new wholesale pricing from NBN, Aussie Broadband and Launtel both launched new 1000/50 and 250/25 residential services with unlimited data.

Aussie Broadband offers their plans across Australia while the smaller provider Launtel is slowly increasing the number of NBN POI (points of interconnect) it can offer these speeds at.

From Ausdroid’s perspective it’s good to see that several companies are quickly offering the kinds of high performance NBN plans our readers like, compared to some bigger name providers who are much slower moving and less innovative.

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    Signed up for the 1000/50 from ABB (FTTP). So far speeds have been below the max, getting 40-50 MBs for larger downloads. Some downloads just aren’t long enough to get up to full speed so that was downloading a test 60GB file. Steam downloads seem to be really bad though, can’t get more than about 5MBs, which I was getting with the 100/40 plan before.


    yeah I don’t know what will get worldwide services to bump these things higher except for maybe 4k video becoming standard over 1080p , cloud storage as more of a default or perhaps some aspects of video game streaming (playing games that aren’t on your system)
    in lieu of a tier in between 50 and 100mbps , 50 seems to be the sweet spot with any less than 3 people in a house in 2020

    Neerav Bhatt

    Damian Ivereigh founder of Launtel advises more NBN POI’s will be enabled for Launtel 1000/50 and 250/25 soon:
    Later next week:
    Berkeley Vale
    Then in another few weeks:-