Developer Previews are often rife with bugs and issues preventing them from being everyday use software. Beta’s are usually a lot more stable. It seems with Android 11 Beta the stability and compatibility has regressed in on important area — Google Pay.

In early Developer Previews for Android 11 Google Pay was broken but by the time Developer Preview 4 came around it was fixed. Now with the first Beta Google pay is broken again according to 9to5Google. For Google Pay to work all security features on the device must align and be in place correctly. It seems that for the Beta someone forgot to tick a box.

9to5Google tested it out and the verification process failed each time they attempted to set up a payment card within Google Pay. Interestingly they also found that a device that had already been setup for Google Pay before receiving an OTA update over the top worked for a couple of hours before they received a notification stating that the software no longer supported Google Pay — Did Google pull the plug on Google Pay support for a reason?

This feature makes it incredibly difficult to test out the new power menu which includes your Google Wallet and easy, fast access to your cards for quick payment in store. I would expect Google to rollout a fix fairly quick smart for this — assuming it is an easy fix — considering that the new power menu is one of the big ticketed items in the Android 11 Beta.

Of course Beta software is still Beta software and not stable software for a reason. Expect some bugs and issues in everyday use but never did we expect them to break and make useless one of the big features they brought to the new Android 11 Beta — especially when it was one of the few things they specifically mentioned in their announcement blog post.

Until a fix arrives, if you use Google Pay it may be a good idea to avoid the Android 11 Beta at this stage.

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Mark Smith

Received an update this morning and it’s working again


Fixed now with server side update.

Tristan J

Surely it’s not just me right, doesn’t anybody remember Android 10 Beta 3? I had assumed at some point my phone would break from past experience with Beta software. In fact, I was quite surprised apps I use daily didn’t report they were incompatible. I get that GPay is used everyday and somehow people hadn’t realised Android 10 already supported the new power menu feature albeit in a slightly different design format. But come on, core functionality wise, what’s really new with the power menu is not GPay, it’s those Android Assistant quick menu items. GPay with a fresh UI… Read more »

Shane Wilson

There are reports floating the idea that wiping the app data of the Google Pay app can fix the issue. YMMV

Paul Smedley

For me, this removed the warning, but Google Pay still failed.

Shane Wilson

Just saw over on Android Police that Google Pay is working again. Checked my phone and BINGO, working 😉


I thought this would happen: says it is not CTS/SafetyNet approved, which GP also uses.


I wish Google had warned about this at the start.

Woke this morning with the your phone doesn’t work with Google Pay.

Which is a bummer as I am trying to use it for purchases now.

Hopefully they will fix it soon


Damn. That’s super annoying. Hope they fix it quickly. I just found out this morning when the unverified software warning came up.

Paul Smedley

Found this out yesterday. Worked fine for my morning coffee, but when I went to buy lunch, I got an error. Hoping this is a quick fix.