For those of us with multiple Nest and Google Home devices in their households broadcast is a very handy service to have. The problem is that you cannot choose which specific device it broadcasts to, instead it broadcasts to all devices, but that functionality seems to be rolling out to some users as we speak.
9to5Google are reporting that one of their readers has noticed the new feature allowing him to broadcast to a specific Home or Nest device. When telling (asking?) Google to broadcast a message the user needs to define the message and where they want it sent to.

“Hey Google, broadcast a message to Georgia’s Home, dinner is ready.”

At this stage the feature does not seem to be widely available but it is an indication that Google is readying the feature for a wider release. It is a much-needed feature that’s for sure but at this stage does not appear to work properly for all users who do indeed have that feature.

The update seems to be a server-side switch and unfortunately there does not seem to be any way to trick it into working on your devices. With such a limited roll out of the feature it is most likely still some ways off being ready for a full rollout.

With that in mind we cannot wait until it is released because it is the one feature that Home and Nest devices have severely lacked but needed. Try it out on your Google Home device and let us know how it goes for you — it did not work for me.

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Stuart Coates

Can you broadcast to a speaker group (rather than singular) and if so, more importantly, does it finally sync up the broadcast?

Haris Shaikh

I tried yesterday, dont know why but i felt like it…But ur didnt work for me