When it comes to gaming there’s a lot of variables that affect your experience. The specs of your machine, particularly the video card and monitor but under-rated hardware by many are the human interface options. Keyboard, Mouse and Headset are important when it comes to how you interface with a PC. For gamers, a mechanical keyboard and good optical mouse really make the input worthwhile and if your headset produces poor quality sounds, or is uncomfortable… the experience degrades quickly.

If you’re looking for new goodies, then some new releases could light up your gaming nights.

Razer Death Adder V2 Pro

The DeathAdder V2 Pro is a new height of Wireless Mice, offering users multiple connectivity options (Razer HyperSpeed Wireless or Bluetooth), Optical Switches to improve click response time, massive battery life of 70 hours and programmable buttons.

As most have come to expect, purchasing Razer equipment isn’t cheap and the Death Adder V2 Pro is an investment, not a throwaway purchase. Via the usual retail chains and the Razer Store where you can pick one up for $224.95

Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E 13 Keyboard

The S.T.R.I.K.E. 13 has Cherry MX RED switches that offer a 50 million keystroke life, quiet operation and compact design for space-saving. The RGB presentation means that the keyboard will fit into nearly any gaming setup, with customisable presentation through the Mad Catz software.

The S.T.R.I.K.E 13 will soon be available soon via the Mad Catz website.

There are so many options on the market for decent gaming devices, it’s worth keeping an open mind to the options. You’ll need to consider what you want from your gaming devices before dropping your coin, but do keep in mind: You generally get what you pay for.