It’s finally here, you have asked for it and we made it happen, that’s right folks the weekly edition of The Ausdroid Podcast is finally upon us. It’s going to be a shorter formatted show, running between 45 mins to an hour and will still contain the mass craziness that you have come to love from The Ausdroid Podcast. We are going to try and have a more structured show but don’t worry it’s not going to detract from the usual.

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    Martin Dolan

    And with some luck they will fix the RSS feed for audio on the podcast page so that people can actually subscribe..  wont THAT be a novel idea….
    Yeah the iTunes one works, and it works with IE, but not on chrome or dogg catcher or most Android apps.So if you are an “iPhone” user or a “Phone windows phone 7 phone -phone” user you can listen to the Android podcast.  If you are an Android user, you can’t….the irony….


    Anthony Young

    how can i watch after ….

    Timothy Boyce

    Still Skyping it? I don’t know how you’re going to keep it to an hour if you are 😉
    *cough* drop-outs *cough*’
    Honestly though, can’t wait.