Hey guys, Just got a quick preview video here of angry birds, got a hold of a copy from Rovio mobile to do a quick review on the full version coming out for android (hoorah!) As you can see in the video the game runs really smooth, missing 1 world from the iPhone version but im sure we will get this in a future update. So far the word ive heard is tomorrow they will make a big announcement on a pricing strategy for angry birds and a release date shall follow, maybe tomorrow? Who knows but angry birds is just around the corner, adding more excitement to gaming on android! Hit the break for the video walk through 🙂

You can download the full version here: Angry Birds apk

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    And it’s free… what better reason than to ditch the iPhone!


    Grabbed it last night on the Android Market after I got annoyed that getjar.com kept going down every time I went to grab it.


    Its Out, just got an email from then. Server can’t take it though


    I enjoyed this on my itouch. glad its coming to android!