Another great charging device from Droidax to make your digital life easier

Some of you will remember a few months ago I reviewed the Droidax Powerpack for Samsung Galaxy S III which I felt was a great concept, but it lost a little bit in the execution. One of my major concerns was that your phone could actually be levered out of the top of the powerpack, risking damage to your micro USB port on your device.

The great news is that Droidax take the opinions of reviewers onboard and they have fixed it! There was only a minor change that needed to be made to the cap of the powerpack to rectify this fairly major issue. Great news for anyone that was thinking about purchasing one but held off to because of this cautionary point.

Well Droidax are at it again, they’ve used the same battery pack chassis to create a receiver for the EzyCharge Wireless charging unit for the Samsung Galaxy S III.

  • Wireless Charging
  • Extra Battery (built into the phone cover
  • Phone protection
  • Easy to attach and detach

  • Adds weight to your device
  • Adds bulk to your phone

What’s not to like? It’s wireless charging!

On top of this excitement, one of the biggest advantages of the mat is that it is compatible with the Qi Wireless charging protocol, which (short of having one) is close to becoming a market standard for wireless charging at this time.

I really like the feel of the cover in my hand: it’s identical in feel to the Samsung Galaxy S III power pack I reviewed a couple of months ago. It’s really easy to hold and had a very slightly tacky (i.e. grippy, not cheap) feel to it which helps prevent accidental drops of your phone. The fact that the extra size and weight of the case adds extra battery is another bonus, the case actually contains a user triggered 1200mAh battery which can give that potentially much needed battery boost at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. I’ve already made good use of this extra battery in my short time with the device during my testing for this review.

Finally the ease of operation really is very close to idiot proof:

  1. Carefully clip your phone into the case
  2. Plug the charging mat into a mains charger
  3. Place your phone, in the provided case, on the mat

For some people, device like this is very much a choice of convenience vs weight & bulk; while the weight is minimal (roughly 80 grams) and the bulk is not obscene (less than 15mm to the thickness of the phone) it will be a deal breaker for some users — but not me!

Having shown a number of people this gorgeous little device, the bulk that’s added to the device is the first — and only — objection they come up with. Most people who’ve seen it comment that it looks slick and feels nice, so for the convenience of having wireless charging, the added bulk is a small drawback to overcome for the convenience of simply placing your phone on the desk next to you while you work. Should it ring all you have to do is pick it up, no fiddling with cables before you answer it.

The short story is I think this device is great!

Through my dealings with Droidax, I believe that they have a true belief in their product and the manufacturing quality to back it up. They have produced possibly the best value, and certainly one of the top 3 performing portable charging devices currently on the market followed up with other after market accessories such as spare batteries, battery packs and now the EzyCharge.

The fact that they are so receptive to constructive criticism of their product further shows their commitment to delivering a quality product to the market (perhaps some of the OEM handset manufacturers could take a lesson from Droidax?). I don’t turn easily, but I’m nearly ready to confess that: I might be turning into a fanboy of their products.

For someone who really values the asthetics of their sexy, slim phone: The current generation of wireless charging devices like this one are probably not for you. But if you’re a Galaxy S III owner who can overcome the minor inconvenience of 80 grams and 15mm extra thickness on your phone, you’re probably going to find it hard to resist purchasing the EzyCharge.

NB: This review was written on the understanding that the review device would be returned, Droidax have since offered us the option of keeping the device which we’ve taken up. Droidax’ offer has in no way affected the conclusions reached in this review.

Source: Droidax.
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    Frank Benign

    Clearly, the SGSIII is not big enough as it is.

    Chris (Deputy Editor)

    Bigger is _ALWAYS_ better.

    Sean Royce

    People who say the Galaxy Note II is too big are kidding themselves. They fit perfectly in to most everyday pockets, and I like millions of others would love to have one.

    Phil Tann

    Big is good, screen real estate and battery life FTW!