What’s going on, Google? We’re hearing – and now seeing – reports that Google’s New Chromecast is already on shelves in major retailers in the US, with some Best Buy customers even able to buy and take home the new devices which haven’t even been announced yet.

This latest development comes after literally months of Google Pixel 3 XL and Pixel 3 leaks, where seemingly a large number of people have had their hands on Google’s new phones, reviewing them for YouTube, taking photos for news websites and reviewing the as-yet unannounced new phones.

We can only agree with the comments on Reddit where this image was shared – it feels like Google isn’t even trying anymore, just slipping new product onto shelves without bothering to announce it properly first. We’ve even had eagle-eyed tipsters in Australia claiming to have seen New Chromecasts on sale here … but the one I’ve seen a photo of … well, it was still a 2nd gen design shown on the box, at least.

Even though we won’t be over in New York for the Made By Google event, we understand we’ll be able to see these new products on Australian shores pretty quickly, so if your local JB HiFi isn’t selling New Chromecasts just yet, it won’t be long before they are.

Source: Reddit.
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The only “news” here seems to be a whinge from the author that his boss won’t pay for him to go to NY, nor does Google consider it worth sponsoring him to go. Doesn’t read to me like being on the forefront of anything. The attitude that everything has to be dramatically announced by a super skinny dude in a black skivvy on an over-sized stage to cheers and whoops from a stunned audience as tears stream down their cheeks… it’s irritating. Get the product to market, and let it’s credentials and performance sell itself. EVERYONE is tired of an… Read more »

Philip Clark

The only news here seems to be new packaging – would be nice to see details or even speculation about what’s changed with the hardware.


I don’t understand, the image shows the latest boxed as Chromecast Ultra – that’s been out for, what, a year now? There’s literally no news here.