After getting burned by a few projects, I’ve very much stuck to the mantra of not buying stupid things on Kickstarter. But I think I’ve found a project I’m willing to take the risk on. Meet Geminos, a dual monitor setup that’s got quite a bit to offer.

Images via Kickstarter

The setup is a single stand, dual 24″ monitor system where the monitors are vertically stacked and adjustable. There’s more though, it’s got a host of connectivity options including:

  • USB-A and USB-C connections
  • 100W USB-C pass-through charging
  • A built-in 1080p webcam
  • A number of accessories

And impressively, it’s compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, Playstation and Xbox. Versatility like that will make this project popular across a number of uses from streaming, to office productivity and media editing. Clearly from the backing — over AU$1 million at the time of writing — I’m not alone in being impressed.

Right now, you can get the early bird deal of a Geminos for $499.00 which will go up to $999.00 soon. If you’re keen to learn more, head on over to Kickstarter to check it out.

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Phil, I can remember the days of the tall screen CRTs used in DTP. Back then I could easily understand why such a screen orientation was so crucially useful. Such hardware was utterly out of reach, in my teens on Unemployment Benefit, but it’s hardware and capability that I’ve not forgotten about. The 4th and 5th panes in the second photo in this article shows how this dual monitor stand, brings that physical screen estate intensive work flow into the present day. Even though I’ve no real use for such a setup, I’d still love to try out such a… Read more »


Apart from the bend in the middle, I don’t see how this offers better value that a cheaper 30″+ 4K monitor in portrait.




Terrible product. So much wrong with this that its amazing its getting the backing. Obviously people that don’t understand monitor tech or ergonomics. They are clever with the marketing though – targetting the unknowing with various misinformation.