Google has today uploaded the Kernel source for Android Wear to AOSP. The code includes Kernel source for both the Dory (LG G Watch) and Sprat (Samsung Gear Live) smart watches.
In a post to the Android Building Google Group, Googler Bill Yi announced the availability of the source and kernels for the current Android Wear devices on the market. The update is a small release which is a minor update to the kitkat-mr2 release.
Today, we pushed a small number of GPL projects for the kitkat-wear release. The tag is android-4.4w_r1. The changes are minor since kitkat-mr2.2. We plan to do a full platform push for Android’s next milestone release.
The kernel source is kernel/msm with the following branches:
– android-msm-sprat-3.10-kitkat-wear
– android-msm-dory-3.10-kitkat-wear
The announcement basically says that GPL projects are uploaded, with a full platform push to become available once Google releases Android L. The push to upload GPL projects is most likely to fulfill Google’s commitments to the licensing which requires source be made available.
If you’re looking for the upload you can jump over to the Google Git repos for kitkat-wear.