Screenshot 2015-01-19 at 1.00.57 AM
In the spirit of Australia Day, why not theme yourself completely by adding an Australian based Android Wear watch face to your wrist. Australian Android developer Julian Wong has created a range of watch faces compatible with current gen Android Wear devices to add to your wrist and the best news is they’re free.

There’s some basic designs based mainly on the Australian flag, optimised for both round and square face watches and they look pretty decent.

You can grab the Australia Day Watch Face collection from Google Play for free right now. If you like what Julian has done here, you can check out his full range of other watch faces on Google Play.

JJW Australia Day Watch Face
JJW Australia Day Watch Face
Source: Google Play.
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    A bit tacky, but the southern cross versions aren’t half bad.

    kimi thomas

    I­­­’v­­­­­e b­­­e­­­e­­n e­­­­a­­­­r­­n­­­­­i­­n­­­­g 8­­­­­­­­5 d­­­­o­­­l­­­­l­­a­­­­r­­­s/­­­­­h s­­­­i­­­n­­c­e i s­­­­­t­­­a­r­t­­­ed t­­­­­­o f­­­­­r­­­­e­e­­l­­a­­n­c­­e o­­­n­­l­i­n­­e h­­­­a­l­­f a y­­­e­­­­­a­r a­­­­­g­­o… A­­­l­­­l i h­­­a­­­­v­­­­e t­­­­o d­­­­­o i­­­­­­s t­­­­­­o s­­­­­i­­­­t a­­­­t h­­­o­­­m­e f­­e­­­­w h­­­r­­­­­s e­­­­­­a­­c­­­h d­­­a­­­y a­­n­­­­­d d­­­­o s­­­­i­­­­­m­p­l­e w­­­o­­r­­k i g­­­­­e­­­­t f­­­r­­­o­­­m t­­­h­­­­i­­­s c­­­­o­­m­­­­p­a­­­n­­­y t­­­­h­­­­­a­­­t i s­­­t­­u­­­m­b­­­l­e­d u­­p­­0­­­n o­­v­­­e­­­r t­­­­h­­­e i­­n­t­­e­­r­­n­e­t… I a­­­­­­m v­­­e­­­r­y e­­­­x­­c­­i­­t­e­d t­­­­­­o s­­h­­­a­­r­­­e t­­­­h­­­i­­­s w­­­­o­­r­­k o­­­p­­p­­o­­r­t­­u­n­­i­t­y w­­­­i­­t­­­h y­­­­o­­­u… i­­­t’s i­­­n­c­r­ed­i­­b­­l­­e!
