Android Wear is getting a platform update today, with Android Oreo beginning to roll out to devices according to Android Wear Developer Advocate Hoi Lam who announced the update on Google+.

While it’s not ostensibly a feature update, but more a behind the scenes update. That said, there are a few new features to be found in the update which includes:

  • Notification vibration strength setting
  • Touch lock option for wet conditions
  • Support for 7 new countries / languages
  • Plus more e.g. notification channels, battery saving background limits

There’s no list of devices in line to receive the update, instead Hoi Lam said ‘Timing is determined by each watch’s manufacturer’. At this stage, at least two users on the /r/AndroidWear subreddit has seen the update on their LG Watch Sport – a watch that LG never brought to Australia.

It’s probably going to be a slow rollout, so hold tight and let us know if you see the update on your wrist soon.

Source: +HoiLam.
Via: Android Police.