image credit: OnePlus

There are a number of leaks, renders and suggestions around of what we may see when the OnePlus Band drops. Some of this has been confirmed through OnePlus’ own fitness app, now available on the Play Store.

For those of you who watch the market for such devices, the band will look quite familiar. In fact, it is very similar to many others already on the market.

OnePlus Health
OnePlus Health
Developer: OnePlus Ltd.
Price: Free

What is interesting is that OnePlus has revealed the band themselves in their own fitness app that appeared in a Play Store listing.

Sadly though, for those of us who like the OnePlus hardware, it’s likely that you’ll have to wait for the third party importers to get to work as OnePlus is yet to “officially” bring their devices to Australia.

A quick look at the available screenshots and within the app (without a device, there’s not much to see) the app too will look and feel familiar to many. There’s only so much you can do with a fitness app to differentiate it from the competition, without leaping into strange new worlds that is.

How much impact do you believe OnePlus would make if they do bring their devices to the Aussie market?