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With the announcement of Android 4.3 not yet 24 hours old, Sony Mobile has updated their blog to advise their plans for Android 4.3 updates to their Xperia range of handsets.

So far they can confirm some models will definitely get Android 4.3, but they’re also looking into upgrading some of their devices from Android 4.1 straight to 4.3. So, which devices will get Android 4.3? Sony advised :

we’re already getting stuck in and can confirm we’ll make 4.3 available for: Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR, Xperia Tablet Z, Xperia SP and Xperia Z Ultra…

Back to current updates and Sony has already updated the Xperia Z and Xperia ZL to Android 4.2, with plans to roll the update out to the Xperia ZR and Xperia Tablet Z from early August.

Of course for carrier branded handsets you can look forward to a delay due to testing before it reaches your device, but keep an eye out and we’ll update as soon as we hear anything

Source: Sony Mobile.
Via: AndroidCentral.
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As long as it is a “Z” device…. 🙁

geoff fieldew

Go Sony! They’re definitely having a fair crack at Android these days.

Sean Royce

Agreed. I might switch to Sony if the Honami is a killer device.

vijay alapati

I might sell my z and get honami too, z battery sucks 🙁

Sean Royce

Really? I thought it’d be the same as the other flagship devices.

vijay alapati

NO, it has just 2330 battery which drains like water from pipe 🙂
standby is not bad after rooting and removing the boltware, need s phone with min of 3000 mAh

Sean Royce

Still, battery capacity isn’t what counts, it’s how well they optimize their software. Unfortunately not many companies are good at this.


Just get the ZR instead. I ordered one for my son & 2 spare batteries with a usb charger for them. It’s lightning quick, great looking screen and when the battery is running low swap it out with a spare.. and it’s waterproof to boot…

Andrew Palozzo

Yup. i think they always get lost behind HTC and Samsung, but they’ve really give ASOP a crack a few times and it feels like they are quite timely with their updates.
Plus I think they’ve really pulled back with their skin…

I’m tempted to sell my N4, skip the n7 and get the Z. (I realllly want LTE)