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Are you a a budding developer struggling with questions like when to release an app, should you put certain functions in or should you have ads or paid version? There is a seemingly endless number of questions that you’ll be asking yourself. Well hopefully the free book from Google, announced on the Developers G+ community, might be able to help you.

Available on (no surprise here) Play Books – The Secrets to App Success on Google Play (Second Edition) will help you to make the right decisions not only to get the best app you can out there, but make money from the app as well. The book details a host of challenges facing developers from navigating and mastering the Developer Console for the Play Store, Improving discoverability for your app, getting & keeping users and suggested paths to making money from your app.

Google have clearly recognised that developers who are engaged with their clients are successful and stay on the Play Store, lets hope this leads to some fantastic apps coming to the Android platform very soon.

What advice (as a user) would you give to up and coming developers to get and keep your business?

Source: Android Developers G+.