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Optus has just announced that the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update for the HTC Incredible S has begun to roll out. It’s a staggered roll out with all users expected to get the update over the next couple of weeks.

The update is sized at 300MB so we’re going to urge you to download it over Wi-Fi and with a full, or close to, battery. If you’re eager for the update, go to settings and check for the update manually, you’re likely to get it earlier that way. Let us know how it goes in the comments!

Source: OptusOptus.
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Anoid 4.04

This is really ******. The update ships with the default setting to shutdown wifi when asleep, and then the OS goes and downloads a heap of data in the background. Blown my data limit in one weekend.


Update completed without a hitch. I checked making calls and using apps and so far no problems after a few hours of checking.


Bricked. Update was applied while battery was fully charged & I was on WIFI. Now phone is bricked. Standard recovery processes via bootloader and factory reset do not work.


Finally got it but are you guys having problem when trying to call someone like there’s a delay or it’s just my phone


Got ICS about a month ago on Virgin. If your mobile internet stopped, you will have to manually re-enter the APN for your phone network, I had to. I prefer Sense 3.6 over the older GB version.

David Anderton

Hi Dave how did you get the update? Have you rooted your phone or did you somehow get OTA early?

Did a manual search for updated software….updating now! wohoo…finally!

Shane Baker

Mobile internet doesn’t work anymore


Yay! Finally! Loaded fairly smoothly.


Just updated my Virgin phone, all running as normal, just slightly laggy but I ain’t complaining

David Anderton

your on virgin and you got the official OTA update????


Err, Yeap.


My screen is frozen with htc logo while updating ics for last 3 hours is this normal. help


Same here – downloaded the update and froze on HTC logo screen when rebooting. It’s bricked – couldn’t recover, couldn’t reset to factory settings. Taking it back to the store today – we can’t be the only ones?


updating now…


well it IS brilliant and exactly what the Incredible needed all along. I struggled with patchy operation since I bought my HTC 9 months ago but with this ICS is now great. Smooth scrolling, more available ram and the slickness that is the ICS interface. 🙂

Harry Sheppard

updating now, glad to finaly get ICS, but afriad of what HTC sense 3.6 will bring


Nova launcher. And say sense be gone! (Mostly)

David Anderton

Any news if this update will go to Virgin members as well?


Due out September 2012, mind you this is the second time it’s been knocked back

David Anderton

so shit originally it was supposed to be out in june…

Michael Parr

It’s also rolling out for the Telstra Galaxy Note right now. 🙂