The launch of the Google Pixel 4a is just over a couple of weeks away and of course we have seen it begin to leak fairly extensively, although not like the Pixel 4 last year where you could buy it if you were in Vietnam.

The latest leak on the Pixel 4a is the wallpapers. Pixel wallpapers are specifically designed by Google for their smartphones and are thus often much sought after. Once again the source of this leak is TecnoLike Plus and he has released 16 wallpapers in total.

The wallpapers are all 2340 x 1080 resolution are are obviously designed specifically for the Pixel 4a given that some of them have a gimmicky way of hiding the punch hole that is not present on any other Google Pixel so far.

As you can see in the examples below Google has had a bit of fun with it with the camera making a basketball hoop, a soccer player’s head, the sun, a hole in a bowling ball, a table tennis player’s head and a ball for a dog. We have included a few of them below.

If you want to get your hands on more you can grab them from here.

We have tried on a few other punch hole devices the wallpapers don’t seem to match perfectly with the location of the punch hole on these other devices. That of course would require the device you are trying on to have the exact same resolution though so if you have one that is 2340 x 1080P then grab these and see if they work for you.

The wallpapers are a fun idea of hiding the punch hole and we have seen that from manufacturers before. We can’t wait to see what Google has in store for us come June 3 when they also announce the Android 11 Beta online.

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Bullshit wallpapers


Punchhole friendly wall papers if you observe