
Google have been talking about cameras on smartphones for a while now and back in February 2013 Vic Gundotra had this to say about the Nexus range

We are committed to making Nexus phones insanely great cameras

I think most of us will agree that the Nexus 5 doesn’t have the best smartphone camera out there, but it was an improvement over their previous offerings.
The next step for Google looks to be an improved camera app and they may even release it into the Play Store. This all make a lot of sense to me and would continue with Google’s recent trends.
If the sources are correct the new app will bring with it a refreshed user interface, a background blurring effect for portrait shots – similar to what we have seen on the New HTC One (M8) as well as improved panorama and Photo Sphere modes.

One of the more interesting rumours revolves around Google opening up support for third-party filters which will allow developers to create their own filter to add to the app. This will be interesting to see how this works as well as what other developers can bring. Personally, I am not a big user of filters and tend to just use the original images, but it’s always nice to have more choice.

We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this and also see if this app will be available for non-Nexus phones.

Source: Engadget.
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Stop talking about it and just do it.
How long have google been going on about this.
Lift your game!

Sean Royce

Why don’t you do it then if it’s so easy?


Why don’t you shut the fuck up!


Did i say it was easy eh douche?

Sean Royce

Don’t tell them to lift their game then.


why not?


You could argue that the only thing stopping the Nexus 5 from being perfect is its camera – it’s not terrible but it’s certainly not the best. I’ve been busting to see this long rumoured overhaul to the stock Android camera experience. Some of these possible improvements sound great. I’ve always wanted to see higher resolution in panorama and photosphere modes, and the actual UI is pretty heinous. It looks so out of place when compared to the rest of what Google offers with Android. I won’t be surprised if the UI is given a total overhaul with a clean,… Read more »