Like it or not, Smart devices are steadily making their way into our lives. Obviously at Ausdroid, we’re invested in the Google, and bargains excite us.

Officeworks – Lenovo Smart Display 10″ for $227

The Lenovo smart display made quite an entry and caught Duncan’s interest and he gave it a glowing 4.5/5 review. There’s a lot to like in these over the Google Home hub, but you do pay for the extra functions.

It’s exceptionally responsive, the video capabilities and physical size over the stock home hub are the starters but check out the review for more. Ultimately it’s a great device that Officeworks are currently selling at a bargain price of $227

Big W – Google Home for $99

This is the speaker that started it all back in 2017 for Google fans and you can grab for $50 off the normal RRP starting when their new catalogue drops on the 30th of May. It’s a decent speaker which offers all of the convenience and control you’d expect over your music, information and home automation by voice control.

If you’re just starting your connected home journey, or adding to your arsenal then these two options are well worth investigating.

Source: Ozbargain.
Source 2: Ozbargain.