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Friday, May 17, 2024
Home 2019


Google Keep is getting an update that includes a Floating Action Button

Keep is a forgotten gem of the Google suite of apps. It's simple to use and highly functional, but as a result of that simplicity - doesn't seem to see a lot of love...

Wireless Android Auto is the solution to the cables in the car mess, just...

It is nearly two years since we saw our first wireless Android Auto head unit at CES and we all thought it would be everywhere by now. Unfortunately it is not, but as we...

Dynamic email is coming to mobile devices, through Gmail

Dynamic email is a really cool concept, it (in a very basic way) turns email into a current content delivery rather than static. This feature has been available on Gmail for web for some...

Google Photos will soon let you draw on your photos like Snapchat

Google likes to work on its favourite products, and Photos is definitely on that list, with new features coming every so often to make the experience better and better still. A new feature coming...

Google deprecates another great and useful service, good bye Google Cloud Print

Google, you just make us so mad sometimes. In case you've just arrived on the planet Earth, there's something you should know: printers are still some of the buggiest and hardest devices to use. Google's...

The Clock is ticking to enter Lenovo and Google’s Flutter face design challenge

Do you fancy yourself a designer of fancy clock faces? Can you flutter with writing code... in Flutter? If so then perhaps the latest design challenge from the teams at Google and Lenovo might...

Android Security Rewards expanded for bug reports

A few years ago Google introduced their Android Security Rewards program. It is essentially a way for those inclined that way to report any bugs they find that can lead to a security...

Google introduces “My Storytime” to allow you to record your own stories

Google Assistant has long had the feature to read out specific books to kids but until now all you have been able to do is listen to a random voice speak the book. ...

Australians will also be seeing Black Friday sales on the Google Store next week

Sometimes we get jealous of our friends in the US who see sales of Google devices consistently. This year though Australians will also be able to join in the fun on Black Friday...

You can now ask your Google Assistant speaker to play recommended Spotify music

Sometimes when you listen to music on your home speakers you want to listen to something different, discover some new music and until now you have been unable to get your Assistant to play...

Google Photos is maturing with some user friendly changes

Google Photos has been around for a while now and we’ve seen a lot of changes in its time. Recently there have been a number that are taking the platform into a maturing state...

Google Stadia game pricing revealed along with the 22 games available at launch

Last week Google announced the game titles that would be available and it was a bit disappointing to only see 12 titles on the list. That list has now expanded to 22 games...

Xbox one now has some capacity to work with Google Assistant

It was over a year ago that we heard that Google Assistant and Alexa may come to the Xbox platform. It has been some time in the making but has finally appeared, but...

In a rare show of strength, Google is rolling out its own RCS service...

Late last month, the major US carriers agreed to rollout RCS .. sort of. The Cross-Carrier Messaging Initiative was a custom iteration of the RCS protocol, rather than a standards-based approach, and it would...

Check out the phone mount for the Google Stadia controller

Google Stadia team members, including Andrey Doronichev, Director of Product for Stadia at Google, conducted an AMA over at Reddit and in doing so revealed a lot about Stadia that was unknown. One...

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