Earlier this week we discussed the latest and greatest news about the ATZ Axon 7 including its Australian retail availability, Daydream compatibility and Android Nougat update. ZTE had advised that from the 22nd of December they would stop offering the device for sale on their site, however it seems consumer feedback may have made them change their mind.

ZTE Australia reached out to us today to advise that until the Axon 7 is available for sale in JB HiFi in mid January, ZTE intends to keep offering the device for sale online via the ZTE Australia site. It’s a bit late, I’d wager, to order one as a Christmas gift but isn’t anytime a good time to give yourself a gift?

Additionally, the local ZTE team let us in on a little secret, the first Over-the-air (OTA) update for the Axon 7 is in local (and international) testing bringing with it the December 2016 Security update, props to ZTE, as well as the typical other fixes and updates.

While monthly security updates would be great I’ve always maintained that even a less regular but longer term commitment to security updates would be awesome. I’d accept 3 monthly-ish updates if I knew I’d get them for at least 2 – 3 years.

Stay tuned for a full review coming any day now, I promise!