Android 5.1 is now out. For those who want to you can flash the 5.1 image to your device, but the big one most people are waiting for are the OTA updates which are a little more easily flashable to your phone. You’ll find the OTA links below as they appear and a link to how to flash an OTA update to your Nexus as well.

The Nexus devices which will receive the update have been listed by Google already, so here’s the links:

  • Nexus 4: No update yet
  • Nexus 5:
  • Nexus 6:

    • LRX22C to LMY47D
    • LRX22C to LMY47M
    • LRX22C to LMY47IThanks Peter
  • Nexus 7 2012:
  • Nexus 7 2013:
    • Wifi: No update yet
    • LTE: No update yet
  • Nexus 9:
  • Once you’ve got your Nexus OTA update then you simply have to side-load the update, following our easy to use guide.

    Remember if you have a Nexus on this list which hasn’t had an OTA link captured yet, you can do all your fellow Nexus owners a favour and capture the link and let us know.

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Nexus 6 is still yet to get the official 5.0.1 update let alone 5.1 in Australia we are still android 5.0 non carrier branded phone.


WOOHOO! Nexus 7 (2012) OTA notification!

David Anderton

Anybody actually received this over the air yet?


Yup! My Nexus 7 (2012) just received notification!

David Anderton

Lucky bugger still nothing on my n5

Jesse Kinross-Smith

Installed 5.1 on my Nexus 5 successfully using the sideload method. Been using Android phones for a long time now and this is the first time I’ve ever done a sideload OTA 😉


My Nexus 5 is responsive again!! Thanks for the OTA’s 🙂

Ramiro Fernandez

Any news on Telstra whether this update will be blocked again?


Trying to sideload it through ADB and I keep getting a device not found error when I’m in recovery. Does anyone know why?


Yep, have a look at the sideload instructions on this site, I have just added a comment as to why. You need the Google USB drivers for this to work (assuming windows) then go to devices you may see the phone under unknown, update the drivers from those and then ADB will see the device, you may also get a popup on the device for a security certificate, accept that on the phone. Once you boot to recovery go back to devices and add the phone again as this was a problem for me. Once you do that sideload works… Read more »


I am ready to go to ACCC over the nexus 4 update. 5.0 has caused my phone to go blank and made the phone crash multiple times a day. Android 5 broke my nexus 4 and another person I work with theirs as well in the same way. We are both thinking this is the end of Android devices for us.

Benjamen Meiers

Why would the ACCC care about you experiencing a bug on your phone?


If you ask that you are pretty stupid. We purchased a device and part of that was a contract that the device work to specifications and be reliable. A device that crashes multiple times a day and is inoperable is a faulty device and as such breaks the contract of sale. They are legally obliged to fix the problem withing the warranty period. A bug that causes an app to crash they can get away with for a while but a bug that causes the device to crash is a faulty product that under Australian law they have to make… Read more »


I think what Greg was trying to say is have you tried to contact Google regarding your purchase if you did buy it through the play store? And have they refused you any help?


I realise, Greg is right, you do need to follow due course and allow Google to attempt to rectify the problem. The issue is a quick google search shows hundreds of references to the problem. It is not hardware it is the new software and a common problem. Before going to an Govt body I would follow through with google as I have always had good support from them but replacing the phone won’t help in this matter. I love the N4 it is a brilliant phone for work needs but I need it to work reliably and we are… Read more »


No there not not under new Australian laws software now comes under the manufacturer of the phone so Samsung or Motorola been through this myself quite recently ACCC have no say its the telecommunications industry ombudsman that does.


The ACCC could well become involved provided chris has followed reasonable steps to get the problem addressed. If bought through Google Play support goes direct to Google, they are typically very responsive and usually very eager to offer a replacement device. Otherwise the first port of contact is the vendor. If you have not had suitable redress through your support contact the ACCC may well be a good bet. @chris Did you buy it through the play-store? I’ve had three devices replaced through them – usually very good service – I’m interested to know what bad service is like through… Read more »

Paul Walker

Does anyone know what “Radio Restricted” mean in the N5 URLs?


Probably that the radio portion of the update isn’t there. It will retain the existing radio drivers during the flash.

Paul Walker

Oddly enough, during the sideload, it said “Patching Radio”


Just gonna play it safe and wait for the OTA to come through. 😛