Regarding feature updates, Google does an excellent job at staging rollouts to ensure continued fresh feelings for your devices. This time around, several new features cover content consumption, mobility and accessibility.

Having a child with disabilities, I’m always keen to see the development of accessibility features in everyday technology. In this instance, the reading mode can add high contrast for low vision or utilise text-to-speech for blind or dyslexic users to be able to consume text content.

Avid YouTube users will love the new YouTube widget for your home screen. It allows you to access your preferred media instantly, whether that’s your home screen, shorts, your subscriptions or library. This quick access further extends to the Google TV app, where you can, as of next week, cast with a single tap to your compatible TV.

There’s plenty more coming, too, with seasonal emoji being added and — for those with compatible vehicles — the ability to share you digital car key with trusted family and friends. For full details on what is coming to the next update, check out the Google Blog post.

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The app I’d _LOVE_ to see google release, is a speech to text converter for podcasts, and for it to be able to work on all media distribution sites.