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Happy Australia Day! That`s the accepted greeting isn`t it? As an Australian it is most definitely a priority to clean off and fire up the BBQ and burn the heck out of some Lamb according to Sam Kekovitch. Most Australians will be performing this outside(weather permitting, hit up the BOM to check your forecast) so just remember we live in Australia and have the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world, so take care in the sun, remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide and always don`t drink and drive. There are a number of Australia day events around the country today most of which you can find on the Australiaday.org.au website. For those lucky enough to live in NSW or the City of Bunbury in Western Australia there are a couple of Android apps to check out :

The first is from the Australia Day Council of NSW, which has released an Android App to help you get the most out of Australia day, the app gives you a list of events or you can check on the map to find where events are or check on the Nearby tab to get information on events happening near you :

the City of Bunbury (WA) app is unfortunately not compatible with my Galaxy Nexus but according to the Blurb on the market it contains a program for the events today and an event map. It also mentions Fireworks which is a pretty good way to celebrate any day.

So from all of us here at the Ausdroid team have a safe Australia Day and enjoy your public holiday.

Source: NSW Australia Day AppCity Of Bunbury Australia Day App.
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    Rohan Juneja

    No comments so far, guess everyone was out enjoying the day 🙂