Job Search
At the Penrith Jobs and Skills Expo on Tuesday, Employment Participation Minister Kate Ellis launched a new app designed to help the almost seven hundred thousand Australians currently out of work to find employment. The new app which allows easier access for job seekers to the Job Search website is available on Google Play (and iOS).

Ms Ellis says that “The new app is a win for job seekers and a win for businesses looking for workers—especially in regional Australia. Anything that gets job seekers in touch with job vacancies more easily and quickly is great for the job market and our economy”.

In terms of functions the app will allow job seekers to search through 40,000 job vacancies, including those nearby using GPS built into their device. For seasonal workers the app will connect job seekers and farmers as part of the Harvest Trail initiative. There are also links in the app to the Resources Sector Jobs Board for those interested in the mining industry. Job Seekers will also be able to save favourites in order to help them find similar lines of work regardless of where in Australia they happen to be. The app also sources jobs from Public Employers, Job Services Australia Providers, Newspapers, Australian Public Service and the Australian Defence Force.

Ms Ellis said the app could be approved over time to make the most of the smart phone technology. “Based on what we’ve learned in developing this app, I’ve asked the department to also explore services that use other mobile device features such as cameras, calendars and social media” she said “That could make the app more user-friendly and help bring more workers and employers together.”

Great to see a simultaneous release on both mobile platforms from our government departments. We’ll be watching this with interest to see what improvements can be introduced over time.


Source: DEEWR.