Screenshot 2013-08-03 at 3.44.51 AM
There are a variety of third party applications that promise to track your Android device when you lose them, some of them have varying degrees of success. Today the Official Android blog has announced that something new called ‘Android Device Manager’ will be coming later this month to help you manage your Android in the event of something happening to it.

According to the Android blog, Android Device Manager will be able to do two things :

Locate and ring your misplaced device
If you ended up dropping your phone between those couch cushions, Android Device Manager lets you quickly ring your phone at maximum volume so you can find it, even it’s been silenced. And in the event that your phone or tablet is out of earshot (say, at that restaurant you left it at last night), you can locate it on a map in real time.
Protecting your personal information and data
While losing your phone can be stressful, Android Device Manager can help you keep your data from ending up in the wrong hands. If your phone can’t be recovered, or has been stolen, you can quickly and securely erase all of the data on your device.

There will of course be an Android app for the service that will be available to devices running Android 2.2 and above, the whole kit and kaboodle will be available later this month.

What do you currently use to look after your Android in the case of a lost device?

Source: Android Blog.
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    Daniel M

    I use Trend Micro Mobile Security. Delivers on everything I was promied. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants a firewall, anti-virus and mobile device protection.

    Sujay Vilash

    About time, don’t you think ? Hopefully it is feature rich as some of the third party ones around. Unfortunately, most of these third party apps have a yearly subscription and when you have a household of 7 Android devices, that subscription can become rather unattractive very quickly. So yes. I will use the Google variant, especially for the kids phones.


    Because of flash addiction and too many passwords, accounts and devices I havent really bothered for long when Ive set them up in the past. Ive used Cerberus and Samsungs own one (whatever its called). So heres hoping I can manage manage multiple devices via one account much like the okay store web installation for apps where you canselect your applicable device via a drop down menu