Android Social Networking engineer Virgil Dobjanschi has today announced that the latest update to the Google+ for Android app, contains five ‘highly-requested improvements’. The update which should rollout to Google Play over the next few days, will see many improvements as well as a replacement. The app will now include :

  • Much easier switching between Google+ accounts as well as easier access to any Google+ pages you manage.
  • Full support for Google Apps for business, as long as your Apps administrator has allowed it.
  • Access to photos or videos that are stored in your Google Drive, photos will actually get enhanced and ‘awesome’d‘ automatically as well.
  • More controls for Location sharing, you can have more granular controls for how exactly certain circles can locate you.
  • Google+ Messenger is now going. Hangouts will now replace the Google+ Messenger App meaning you’ll have one less icon in your App drawer.

There will also be a couple of other new bits and pieces – Pull-to-refresh – included in the update, but Google are leaving it to us to find them.

The biggest news seems to be the removal of Google+ Messenger, being replaced by Google Hangouts. Google advised that Messenger covnersations (including text and photos) will be available to download via Google Take out later today.

I’m personally a lot more involved with Google+ these days, I personally am not a fan of the removal of Latitude but we’ll see how the new location sharing goes in the update. The update will be available from Google Play soon.

Let us know when you’re able to download the update from Google Play.

Source: Google Play.
Via: Virgil Dobjanschi.