In 5 Browser
With all their pluses, our Android devices have their downsides, as windows to the Internet they are a well into which you can sink an enormous amount of time and often emerge bleary eyed hours later after you pick your phone up to just check a Text/Email/Tweet. A new browser replacement from a Sydney based developer called In 5 is trying to change that behaviour by limiting your browsing time.

The concept is simple, simply open any link you have in the In 5 browser and 5 minutes later you’re reminded that you’re supposed to be doing something else. The browser goes to the extra effort of clearing the session history and purging the cache before displaying the message ‘GG. Back to work’.

Once installed, the app immediately pops up in your App Picker when you select a link from any of your apps, so it’s quite easy to integrate into your day to day workflow. Upon opening IN 5, you’re presented with a timer as well as the link you just selected, so you are well aware of how long you have left and you simply select ‘Start’ to begin browsing. There’s also the option to reset the timer but it will reset your browser back to the Google Homepage and lose your progress.

It’s a fairly clean interface and not many options within the browser itself, but then it’s not designed to be a browser replacement. IN 5 is purely built to give you an option to limit your browsing time when you’re supposed to be doing something else. The App is free, though Ad-supported and there’s currently no option to update to ad-free through IAP or Premium version.

It’s a cool little app and has a 5 star rating currently – from 16 installs -and although a little niche, if you condition yourself to use it, it could certainly stop you wasting time. Head on over to Google Play and check it out.

IN 5: Productivity Tool
IN 5: Productivity Tool
Developer: SarioDev
Price: Free
Source: IN 5 Google Play.