Humble Bundle Mobile 8 - V2
Humble Bundle folks are determined to bleed your wallet this week, offering the Humble Bundle PC and Android 11, as well as the Humble Bundle Mobile 8 at the same time. There’s great value in both bundles and as of this morning, there’s even more value in the Humble Mobile Bundle 8, with three new titles added to the list.

This morning sees Mikey Hooks, Zombie Gunship and the original EPOCH added to the list. EPOCH is especially topical, seeing as the sequel EPOCH.2 is available as part of the bundle if you’re willing to part with more than $5 for the whole bundle. The whole bundle of course includes the four games you get for whatever price you wish to pay: Tentacle Wars and Wave Wave, as well as the premium versions of Doodle God and Doodle Devil, but if you want to pay above the average price of US$3.79 you get Little Big Adventure and Tower Madness 2 as well.

Payment can be made using Credit Card, PayPal, Amazon payment or Google Wallet and your payment can be split between the Humble Bundle Team, the developers and the two charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charity.

Head on over to the Humble Bundle Mobile website and grab the Humble Bundle Mobile 8. Remember if you want easy access to your Humble Bundle content, including Games, Books and Music, grab the Humble Bundle Android app from Google Play to keep track of them all.

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