Since launching as Android Market back in 2008, Google has sold, or distributed a lot of content through their digital content store, which is now known as Google Play. In the last year alone they’ve shelled out over $7 billion to developers, but with the increasing amount of apps available, developers are having a hard time getting their apps known, and Google wants to change that.

Google has announced that they will begin serving up sponsored ads in search results within Google Play, initially to a limited set of users, but expanding further in time. The clearly marked ads will show up at the top of the search results, and will give developers a way to place their app at the forefront of users search.

Ads in Search in Google Play

Google Play is now available to over 1 billion Android users in 190 countries, that’s a lot of search results every day through Google Play. Google is looking for other units to monetise with revenue per click a hot topic at every quarterly earnings report, and adding a new place to place ads in front of eyeballs is a smart fiscal move by Google.

As with most ads you get in Google results, you may not even notice them. But if they are getting too much, it may be time to start getting vocal, only time will tell.

Source: Android-Developers.
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    Don’t they already? I clicked on the video for an app in the Play Store and it started playing an ad. Needless to say I simply exited the Play Store. The internet these days reminds me of the internet in Futurama where it is nothing but ads. It is wholly unbearable.


    Its allllllll about that money money money


    I mean I guess it’s not too dissimilar for those paid iTunes Store banners on the main page but it’s not like Google ads aren’t everywhere anyway.


    Ads fund Google to allow us to have free services.

    I’m happy to skip over and ad or two in order to keep using Google’s services for free.


    As if they don’t bombard us with enough ads already.
    Thank god for rooted phones and ad blocking apps.


    Ads pay for the free internet, so it’s fair enough.


    Will the advertisers reimburse us for the downloads they waste?
    Will the telcos be generous enough to give us a slightly larger download cap without jacking up prices further, to allow for the forced ads wasteage?
    I think the answer to both will be NO. So why should we say YES to more ads?


    yay… just what we need. More ads!